Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Final Exam: Spring 2014

For your final exam, you have two options.

Option 1 – Student Congress Bill and Authorship Speech

Students may create a new Student Congress bill and present an authorship speech.  The same rubrics from the previous student congress session will be utilized.  They are also attached here.  Although an outline is not required, I strongly urge that you complete it and follow it during your speech.  You may have one note card.

The bill needs to be submitted electronically the day before your authorship speech is due. 

Bill – 50 points
Speech – 50 points

Option 2 – Oratory with Manuscript

Students may write an original oratory and present it to the class.  The same rubrics from the previous oratory assessments will be used in addition to an attached rubric for the actual document (manuscript).  You must use your script and a black book for this speech.

The oratory should be submitted the day before your oratory is due.

Manuscript – 80 points
Speech – 20 points