Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Debate Class (3 and 5): Student Congress Procedures

On November 5-6, I traveled with 6 members of the RHS Debate team to LR for Student Congress.  We were super excited for the opportunity to compete and represent the Mounties in a fun, competitive, and supportive atmosphere.  

Soon, we will begin in-class Student Congress sessions.  Below are instructions for my Debate students.

Congratulations to our representatives: Blakely Mayhall, Dillon Keeth, Megan McPherson, Taylor Stacy, Brianna Graham, and Masen Kuppler!

Excellence in Caucus
Dillon Keeth

Superior in Committee
Brianna Graham
Blakely Mayhall
Masen Kuppler
Megan McPherson

Excellence in Floor Debate
Dillon Keeth
Megan McPherson
Brianna Graham

Excellence in Parliamentary Procedures
Dillon Keeth
Masen Kuppler

Superior  in Parliamentary Procedures
Megan McPherson

Best School Delegate
Dillon Keeth

In class on Monday and Tuesday, you will be creating your bill, finding research, and preparing for your bill speech (authorship). 

I have provided a link to the PDF with the guidelines and an example of a completed bill.  For the bill template, please follow these instructions:

  1. Create a gmail account, then log in to gmail.
  2. Click on this link.
  3. Under File, select Make a Copy. Make sure that you are signed in to gmail.
  4. Now, this is your file to write on.
  5. "Share" the file with me by click on the Share button in the top right corner.  Add my email address (RHS.OCFD@gmail.com) to the list of collaborators. 
  6. Continue to work on this project throughout the class on Monday and Tuesday.

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